Friday, 15 February 2013

When carrying out good credit control, where is the line between being clear and being rude?  Well, after being a commercial debt collector for more years than I care to remember (or to put in black in and white!) in my view there is no place for the latter and every need for the former.

In my experience though many debtors perceive clarity as rudeness, perhaps because they are feeling defensive?  However, effective credit control is all about clear, unambiguous communication both verbally and in writing.

Part of the secret to getting paid on time is to be explicit with your customers about what you want and what, if they have signed your terms and conditions, they have contracted to.

When you first open an account, advise the new customer what their credit limit is and when their payments must be made by.  Also tell them what the sanction will be if they don't adhere to your terms.  Will they have to pay late payment interest, or go on stop?   Will you pass the account out to a commercial debt recovery agency? Will you, ultimately, take legal action? 

Make sure that your invoice has arrived with your customer, "Hi it's George from George & Sons, just checking that you have got our invoice and that it is being processed for payment by the thirtieth?  You have? Great.  Have a good weekend, are you going to watch the game?"   Suddenly credit control does not have to be hostile, it can be used as an opportunity to build and enhance relationships with your customers.

Creditserve Collections is a good debt recovery agency, I think, one of the best.  But by the time you have to pass a debt out for collection, even to the best agency, you will have missed so many opportunities to get paid.  Don't wait until a customer is late paying you before you contact them.

So be clear, be proactive and if all else fails ring Creditserve Collections on 01992 414222 for expert debt recovery, credit control out-sourcing and credit control advice.